The Wall Protecting Me From You narrates the perspective of an individual coping with living in a narcissistic environment. This designed environment is my senior thesis project and was first exhibited as part of an online exhibition for MSU Denver's Spring 2020 B.F.A. students. Additionally, I had the honor to exhibit my work at the CVA Gallery from November 6 - 28, 2020 during a MSU Denver student exhibition.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, (DSM-5) states a person qualifies for a diagnosis of NPD if they exhibit five or more of the following traits:

1 Is superior and grandiose
2 Has fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love
3 Believes they are special and should associate with high-status people or institutions
4 Expects excessive admiration
5 Has exaggerated entitlement
6 Is exploitative
7 Lacks emotional empathy
8 Is envious and believes others are envious of them
9 Is arrogant and haughty

Narcissists raise children in mentally abusive environments resulting in the development of Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) in
adult children.
Mental and physical effects of CPTSD include but are not limited to insomnia, dissociation, generalized guilt, anxiety & panic attacks, depression, addictions and a compromised immune system.
I vow to hang up my false armor from now until
my last breath.

This fiber-art installation gives survivors of NPD a safe space to identify symptoms of CPTSD, reflect on their own narcissistic behaviors and share reflections with hopes to educate others experiencing this invisible trauma, abuse and emotional neglect.
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